CrossFit Deed is a project that was born on 03/08/2015, from my passion and my will.
It is not a gym, it’s an understatement to think of it like that.
CrossFit Deed presents the most revolutionary training methodology of the past 20 years in Lodi.
I decided to bring this message in Lodi, and show how technical competence, preparation and passion can positively distort people’s lives.
Relying on professionals who ethically apply the rules and dictates of CrossFit, which are simple and very clear (technique, load, volume, stimulus, discipline and care), is the choice that can determine the turning point in the life of a human being.
Managing in training, pathologies, ailments, difficulties, is the coach’s job.
Requiring that the training is built and conducted by competent and demanding people, is the challenge that I have decided to accept for my students.
CrossFit Deed expresses this desire and does it through a group of coaches, close-knit, competent and passionate, who put their student in the middle.
In CrossFit Deed we don’t talk about Customers, but always, always about Students.
The Customer is a paying person, the Student is a human being who must be helped to express himself in safe, sustainable way and for the objectives he intends to pursue.
A coach stands beside his student, supports him, motivates him, increases his sporting culture and makes him free. Free to explore every sport, every action to encourage him development, the increase in awareness of himself and him self-esteem.
Simone, Marianna, Simone, Marta, Davide, Simone, Matteo, with me, are the architects of what is the home of sport in Lodi.

CrossFit is the sport of fitness, CrossFit Deed is the means by which we all, every day, bring a message of excellence, discipline and commitment.
Sport is the right way to live a life with a smile.

CrossFit Deed is #therightway